Tuesday, December 30, 2008

His mercy's are new every morning

Thank God for His grace and mercy that is new every morning.
How do I write to give you an idea what our life is like without sounding like whiner? I want to let you know what has been happening but with a disclaimer that this is just the way it is and we do not want nor need the drama. It is just what life is like with kids and all. Right?

Let's see where do we begin...hmmm how about the week before Christmas. Dewey had a procedure at the hospital..they put him under and gave him amnesia drugs, sent a microscopic camera down his throat, took colored photos of his esophagus and sent him home with me...not really knowing he was still on drugs Dewey asked to go Christmas shopping and boy did HE shop. I found out the next morning he only remembers showing up at the hospital and about five hours later sitting at home watching a movie. He is okay..more on that later.
The following morning Macy had surgery on her four wisdom teeth, she is doing good also. Later that day Eric faxed us a ticket that was sent to his home in St Cloud. (we bought a car from him a month earlier and never transfered the title) Maddison apparently passed a school bus. Did you know that is the second highest traffic ticket you can get?
Then.....a couple days later we get a call, our nephew Kain is going into emergency surgery. He crashed on his snowboard. Deep breath....

We managed to finish our shopping and stopped to enjoy the true meaning of Christmas , we served dinner on Christmas Eve in the Hillside and attend a wonderful service that evening. We topped it off by watching Hell Boy (There is no way my family will watch a movie called Hell Boy on the night Jesus was born!- we did- don't let the name scare you like it scared me)

Dewey was invited to Fight Night a few days later with the guys. JoAnn invited me to come. His life sure has changed.

We told the story how Dewey knew his life has changed forever when his three 'rays of sunshine' stopped by his house (unannounced of course) skipped in, plopped down on the sofa, ate his pizza and turned the TV from UFC to Legally Blond - oblivious that he had his night all planned out.

The troll hole was dark, the beer was chilled , UFC was on and the pizza was cooling exactly for seven minutes before the first bite.(Dewey is OCD that way) It has been an adventurous year. Thats when I knew he was the guy for me.


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